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Things you should know

Copyright law

The contents offered on this website and subsites (hereinafter: the Raiffeisen Tech Website) are protected by copyright law. Also, the trademarks used on Raiffeisen Tech Website are protected in accordance with the applicable trademark legislation.   The downloading or storage of applications or programs contained on the Raiffeisen Tech Website and the (complete or partial) reproduction, transmission, modification or linking of the contents of the Raiffeisen Tech Website shall only be permitted with the prior express and written consent of Raiffeisen Tech Romania S.R.L.

Links to websites or URLs of third-party providers

Raiffeisen Tech Romania S.R.L. does not assume any liability for the content of websites or URLs of other providers to which links are provided. Neither does Raiffeisen Tech Romania S.R.L. assume any liability for the uninterrupted availability or full functionality of the links to websites or URLs of third parties.

Changes to the Raiffeisen Tech Website

Raiffeisen Tech Romania   S.R.L. retains the right to change and to remove the Raiffeisen Tech Website   at any time (if necessary, also without prior notice), in particular as   regards changing existing contents (in full or in part) and adding new contents.

Raiffeisen Tech Romania   S.R.L.
Registered Office:
Bucharest, District 1, 246C Calea Floreasca, Sky Tower Office   Building, Floor 4, Office no. 5

Company Register Number
 J40/8042/2024 at the Trade Registry Office   near Bucharest Tribunal

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